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He strode quickly Through the Bush,by the tree, over pebble and dead wood.. Bending twisting and breaking, his path was no good All a sma...

Thursday, 2 December 2021

Boost your vulnerable but vaccinate the poor first

Boost the vulnerable.
But first Vaccinate the poor.

Countries with low vaccination percentage and prolonged delay in rollout due to several socioeconomic factors are safe heavens for the virus to mutate and spread. This is not a danger limited those particular countries, its only a matter of time before a vaccine resistant mutation rises its ugly face on humankind. Its time for us to wake up and think beyond the petty borders.

Unfortunately there are countries where people have to dare sniper bullets or have to walk miles to get some water to drink; and then there are some that cannot afford to procureenough vaccine for its entire population. It would be foolish of us to expect people from such countries to maintain good enough hygiene. They are the most vulnerable section of humanity and the virus has already made its presence felt there. If not an armor and sword give them atleast a stick to protect themselves because the Virus does not respect any borders.
On the other hand although it is quite tempting to let natural selection take its course in the case of anti-vaxers, they still pose a threat to everyone around them.

Its time we as a species rise above the notions of Nations and economies and accept the collective responsibility to vaccinate the section of people who have no defence against the virus.

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