Silver pearls perched on tips of grass blades
Welcoming the bare feet to touch cool morning dew
The sprint through green meadows
Tearing through the fog
Rows of tall trees and the pathways between
Running through the imaginary maze
The chirping birds gave directions
As the knight charged on his little feet
Joined by his allies bringing weapons for their chosen sport..
The charging brigade was heaven bound
The tired crew halted panting at their kingdom
The playground..
He woke up to the jerk of the bus
The silver pearls were now perched on poles
Slowly fading away with morning light as he passed by
The medows now had houses built on them
The trees were cut down to cater furniture
The unyielding pathways helplessly hugged remains of their dying friends
Giant wheels were crushing the fallen nests
The chirping was absent as the birds relentlessly attacked the metal monster
Uprooting the trunks with hands of steel
Coughing out a fog in black
With bleeding beaks and burning eyes the birds had to leave
Just like he did leave his childhood and surrendered to need.
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