Manifesting magnificent distances
A greying white of receding west
Cascading shades of whitish-grey
Remnant reds on grey to grey stained blue
Bordered by approaching soigne black
Scattered patterns of shiny diamond stars
The dynamic abstract painting we call a sky
Spreading its arms around me in an embrace
Whispered in my ear this moment is only for you
Time stalled at your command
Pause, breath
Its the silence with beats in between that makes a symphony
Live it Love it
Dissolve; Indulge in it
Divulge the intimacy in a word of Romance
To the lady love, kneel and surrender to her
For a life that never appreciates nature's beauty
Is meaningless word of a long-dead language
Fill in your lungs with the life she breathes
Hear the tales only for you she speaks
Feel her breezy touch all over you
Speak to her your gratitude for being
For she is yours and you are her
The day she says yes you become her
Summiting over mountains as air
Flowing in the spirited rush of rivers
Render the gift of life to seed as soil
One in her
One with her
I am her